

The Munroe/Pinder Leadership Award is a merit-based scholarship that identifies 12th grade and freshman undergraduate students who demonstrate inspirational, innovative, and initiative-driven leadership impacting their academic, work, or community environments.


The Munroe/Pinder Scholarship Foundation is seeking applicants who have an awareness of our honorees, and who have the potential to amplify and build on their legacy.


The men whom this award honors both espoused and exemplified the importance of leadership in nation building. Recipients of the award will be expected to honor the contribution of these National heroes by committing to pursue private and public excellence.


Nominees will be judged on the following criteria: Community involvement, academic achievement, school and church activity, character and deportment.


The Award is open to all 12th Grade and Freshman College or University students.


The deadline for submission of completed application packages will be 12 midnight April 18th, 2025. The committee will not be responsible for application packages, which are late, lost illegible, damaged, or incorrectly addressed. All applications submitted will become the property of Munroe/Pinder Charitable Trust and WILL NOT BE RETURNED.

To apply, complete the application form below and upload all required documentation.

2025 applications now open.

  • Completed Application Form

  • Application Essay

    Write an essay summary of not less than 1,000 words from Dr. Myles Munroe’s book – ‘The Power of Character in Leadership’.


    The essay must be the student’s original work and must not infringe upon any material protected by copyright laws.

  • Grade Point Average

    A cumulative grade point average of 3.0

  • Identification Documents

    Copies of your N.I.B. card, and the first four pages of your passport

  • Letters of Recommendation

    Two (2) letters of recommendation: (any two)

    (1)      School Teacher   Please note that any application missing this letter will automatically be disqualified.

    (2)       Civic or community leader/extra-curricular coach (i.e. Sports, Dance).

    (3)       Church/Ministry Leader.

  • Headshot photograph

    Color, high-quality 4×6 photograph. Photograph to be used for newspaper, website and souvenir booklet if selected.

  • Official report card or college transcript

    Copies of official report card for grades 10-12 or a college transcript for student at college level.

  • Evidence of Achievements

    Copies of certificates, honors and achievements along with proof of length of participation for each listed organization

  • Applications are examined by The Selection Committee, compromised of qualified Educators and Human Resource Professionals. The Committee ensures that all requirements of the application have been met. Following this, the Selection Committee produces a final candidates list.

  • Upon selection to the Final Candidates list you will be notified that you have made the final list. This does not guarantee that you will receive an award, only that you have moved to the next round.

  • You will be expected to attend the ceremony if you are in New Providence. If you are elsewhere, we will expect you to attend via digital platform provided.

  • Winners of awards may be called upon to assist in promotional efforts. At each Ceremony, the immediate past winner is expected to give remarks.

  • 1st Place - $5,000

  • 2nd Place - $2,500

  • 3rd Place - $1,500